Free loan of vehicle testers

So that you can also offer your customers the best possible service without incurring excessive investment costs, we enable you to borrow the required testers from us. 

You can borrow testers for two working days free of charge, and shipping days (2 days delivery, 2 days return shipping) will not be charged.

Here you can find our rental devices: 


OBD Reader and TPMS device : B1P - Special Tools BAW Pony - Letting – AlMoCa

    OBD Reader : S1F1 - Special Tools SERES 5 - Letting – AlMoCa 


    Please note that only a limited number of units are available for hire, so there may be waiting times. 

    If you often required the tester or a special tool you can also pruchased them from AlMoCa: 

    AM Group - Tools – AlMoCa

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